Posts from 2015 (Page 3)
Celebrate Love for All
On October 10, 2015, Pacific Beach UMC will host a celebration for Marriage Equality in partnership with other United Methodist Churches throughout Southern California!
Video Announcements for September 27, 2015
Altar Flowers, Church Photo Directory, 5th Wednesday Meal, Christmas Show!
2015 Church Photo Directory
Do you know the person who sits next to you or the family who sits across the aisle from you in church? Most, if not all, of us can’t say yes to this question all the time, so we need a new photo directory! This directory will have family photos along with contact information so that we’ll recognize folks at church and know how to contact them (with contact information OKed by the family). A family is defined as one person, married or…
Spiritual Adventures
This summer and this year I’ve been a part of some spiritual adventures and joyful opportunities. I’ve taken on several roles at the PB UMC family congregation and have loved each one, because of those around it. With that in mind, I do wish to thank all the individuals who take it upon themselves to also be at many places in the time that we have with each other. Because of your time and efforts, we have been capable of…
Video Announcements for September 20, 2015
Altar Flowers, GriefShare, Storefront Ministry, Draughts of Faith
Two Perspectives, One Experience
One of our Youth and her parent share their appreciation for the prayers and support offered by PB UMC members for our Youth programs!
Video Announcements for September 13, 2015
Alter Flowers, Children’s Choir, GriefShare, Office Closure
Helper Bags are Making a Difference
Over 20 volunteers packed more than 200 bags full of socks, toiletries, chap stick, water and non-perishable foods. This project was 100% funded by donations & volunteers. Thank you!
Sierra Service Project 2015
Thank you all for your continued support and prayers for our PB UMC Youth Ministries Program. We ended up having a team of 10 head to Stockton, CA for SSP (Sierra Service Project). There were only 7 others there for our work week, which was a different experience than we have had previous years. We liked the smaller group and we all got to know everyone, not just those on our work teams. Our projects included building an awning, painting,…
God continues to make things new. Let us celebrate the newness all around us, and continue to open our eyes and hearts to discover God’s ongoing work.