Posts from 2019 (Page 5)

Posts from 2019 (Page 5)

Feeding the Multitudes… Again

This Sunday’s text is likely familiar. Most of us are familiar with the story of Jesus feeding 5000 people. But on a close reading, this one is different—and in fact is the second time in just a few chapters that Jesus feeds thousands!

When Religion Gets in the Way

This Sunday’s text may feel peculiar. Why would these religious leaders be criticizing people for the way they wash their hands? Is this simply about hygiene? Or is it something more?


As a community of faith, I believe we are on this journey together. In covenanting together, we experience a collective community who supports and cares for one another in vital and life-giving ways.

Not in This Town

As we continue from last week’s text, we find ourselves deep into questions of identity and awareness. Is Jesus an amazing teacher and healer, is he the carpenter’s son who grew up in town?

The Other Side

In this Sunday’s text, Jesus invites the disciples to join him in crossing to the other side of the lake. In doing so, they find themselves in a storm so terrifying that even experienced fishermen fear that they’ll drown.

A Sinner’s Party

As we begin a series on the Gospel of Mark, we read that religious leaders began to critique Jesus very early in his ministry.