Mystical Practices in the World’s Religions

Mystical Practices in the World’s Religions

Join us for this series that seeks to discuss and learn about Mystical Practices in the World’s Religions, presented by David DeBus.

David is a poet and a psychologist with university studies in literature, music, and psychology; and Protestant seminary studies in Christianity and Judaism. David describes his approach to the study in this way:

“I briefly detail the character of Hindu, Buddhist, Jewish, Christian and Islamic mystical traditions. Recounting teaching and methods from a guru, a rinpoche, a Kabbalist rabbi, Christian mystics, and a sheikh of the Mevlevi dhervish order, I want to enable those who attend this five-week hour-long seminar to appreciate how esoteric practices and traditions enrich religious life.”

The entire series is available in this YouTube Playlist, or individually below.