Labor of Love

Labor of Love

LoL LogoFor some time, Pacific Beach UMC has been in consultation and conversation with Southern Cross Property Consultants on refurbishing and repairing parts of our sanctuary and a few other items. While PB UMC members may know this project as the Southern Cross Project, a faithful group of PB UMC members in consultation with our Board of Trustees has been working specifically toward the completion of this project. As a part of this work, a new name has been given to this project: Labor of Love.

Although this project has been through some fits and starts, our faithful Labor of Love committee is moving forward and has planned a presentation to share the vision of the project. Please join in an opportunity to learn about the vision and hope in the Labor of Love project as we build on the stewardship that has been so faithfully given to this faith community. All are invited to a lunch meeting after the second worship service on April 24, 2016 in Hughes Hall (the Social Hall).

Matthew Boomhower, the founder and president of Southern Cross Property Consultants, will offer a presentation of the scope of the project, and we hope to include drawings and a prospective budget.

As members together of PB UMC, we are benefactors of the generosity of those who have come before us. As we move into the future, may we build on the generosity that has been shared so that future generations might also build on the generosity that we offer.