Order PB UMC t-shirts here! To order, fill out the form below for each person who wants shirts. All fields are required.
Each shirt costs $14 with additional costs for sizes above XL (see below). Payment may be made by check payable to Pacific Beach UMC. Please note “T-Shirt Order” on the memo line of your check and mail to PB UMC or drop in the Offering plate on Sunday.
Another option is to pay for shirts through our online payment system. Please note that this option has some small administrative costs and those able to pay by cash or check at the Church would be much appreciated. If an online payment is best, simply fill out this form and you will be directed to a “Thank you” page that will include a link and instructions to pay online.
The front of the shirt has the church logo in white ink with the color of the shirt as background. The back of the shirt includes white text that says the following:
If you’re religious or spiritual, married, single, divorced, gay, straight, young, old, or anything else, so are we! Check out: www.myPBchurch.org
Here are a couple of photos that may help a little with colors. Please note that various computers/monitors/web browsers render colors differently and these representations will not be exact. Click on the photos for a larger image.
Please note: T-shirts are made in bulk quantities of 24 or more. When your order is received and paid, it may be bundled with others until this quantity is reached.
Also note: there are some slight differences in color between adult shirts and child shirts.