Can You See Me Now?

Can You See Me Now?

by Lynn N., PhD

The good news is, you can see us anytime! Okay, go ahead, ask. You know you want to. “How is that possible?” I’m so glad you asked. For a few months PB UMC has been live-streaming the second service each Sunday on the internet. That means, you can see it from nearly anywhere through our website. You can also watch archived services anytime you want to, or watch it more than once! Now isn’t THAT fun?

Trust me, it is! Recently, I had the opportunity to try it out for myself and join our services while in Texas helping my Dad rehab. I experienced two things. First, it felt good to connect with my PB UMC family, even though I was three states away. Second, I was able to share the services with my Dad. By the way, he really enjoyed the children’s story time, but who doesn’t? The point is, even when I couldn’t be here, I could still “be” here with my church family and share with my birth family… all at the same time.

I have to say, this is an amazing ministry for outreach and member support, and pretty fun too. I have been part of it from the beginning and love every minute of it. If you want to be part of this growing and powerful ministry, see Joe P., or the church office. We still have room for a few more digital super heroes on Sundays.

What do people say about our live-streaming services?

M.B. writes, “I’ve been participating via live stream for the past few weeks and am very grateful that is an option. I certainly pray that Pastor Bob and his family remain in our community!”

And from K.P., “Pastor Bob, I have made it safely to Massachusetts. It was a long but exciting road trip. L. and I just wanted to say hi as we are worshiping online today with you guys. We wanted to thank God for a safe move and car trip, and also pray for a raccoon that ran in front of our car in the last 30 miles of the trip. Sorry Mr. Raccoon. I tried to stop but you were in the middle of the highway. We lift up your little fluffy spirit to God. Anyway, we are glad to be here online for the new sermon series!”