Meet One of Our Techies: Dr. Lynn N.

Meet One of Our Techies: Dr. Lynn N.

By Roving Reporter Marcia Mengel

I’ve enjoyed getting to know Lynn and Diane N. the last couple of years. Recently, I shared time with Lynn. We all know Lynn as “Doc,” so I asked what kind of doctor she is. “I have a PhD in performance psychology, and practice therapeutic laughter, and nature and forest therapy. Both natural therapies boost mood and improve quality of life.”

How long have Doc and Diane been married? “When I met Diane in church in 1995, I was in the Navy, and on sea duty most of the time, even though I was based out of San Diego. In 2002 we had what we called a ‘Covenant’ ceremony. In May 2017, we celebrated our 15th anniversary by getting legally married. Everyone always considered us married; now the government agrees. And we got to celebrate again!”

I asked how they found out about PB UMC and what made them join. “We were looking for a new church and wanted a place that celebrated, not commiserated. We also wanted diversity – not just a gay church like we had met in. It takes us an hour to get here, so it also had to be a place worth the drive, and it is! It satisfied both requirements and more. The only label appropriate for PB UMC is ‘family.’ Everyone is loving everyone. At PB UMC we don’t just say it, we live it.”

Then we discussed Doc being one of our techies. “I have a background in using computer systems, and like technology. I started here with slide projection, and felt like a part of the church service. When the team moved to the back of the church it was difficult for me to feel engaged. When we started live-streaming, I saw an opportunity to be creative doing things like switching camera angles. I felt interactive in the service again.”

I asked about other areas of involvement at the church. Doc just finished a year as Chair of the Staff Parish Relations Committee (SPRC) and completed a term on the Nominating Committee. “The SPRC basically sees to the needs of the staff, including pay issues and quality of life not he job. We also keep a watchful eye on the relationship between staff and members. We want to make sure everyone is enjoying the best possible experience at part of PB UMC.”

We are very lucky to have such and inspirational member. I hope you enjoy getting to know Doc, too.