There is perhaps no other portion of scripture that is more well-known than Psalm 23. It is one that is cherished by multiple faith communities. Coming from Hebrew scripture, it is near and dear to our Jewish friends, reflecting an unshakeable faith in Yahweh who protects and guides. Christians, of course, also claim these verses as central to our faith. Many of us learn Psalm 23 in our earliest days in Sunday School. People of faith often turn to it in times of trouble or need. We hear it, speak it and hold it in our hearts at almost every funeral or memorial service. If we’ve memorized any piece of scripture, it is likely that we’ve memorized this!
Our lectionary readings for today include Psalm 23 along with a portion of John’s gospel that reminds us that Jesus is the good shepherd. What does it mean for us to be sheep? What does it mean to have a shepherd? Today we’ll spend some time in the shelter of Psalm 23…remembering all those who have gone before us who have known and cherished this psalm and reflecting on the ways we know and are known by the ultimate shepherd, Jesus.
During the sermon, Pastor Lori references Bobby McFerrin’s rendition of the 23rd Psalm. You can listen to that here:
Scripture: Psalm 23; John 10:11-18
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