Soul Pangs

Soul Pangs

Just like our bodies experience hunger pangs, our hearts and spirits can also experience “soul pangs.”  It seems as if we’re born into this world with certain hungers for love, belonging, connection, joy, play, peace and so much more.  We often experience these “hungers” in isolation, not acknowledging them to others and, very frequently, not even acknowledging them to ourselves.  Many of us, myself included, try to fill these soul pangs with food or drink or activity that doesn’t come close to truly meeting our needs.  It is part of our human condition to experience hunger…not only hunger in our bodies but hunger in our spirits as well.
Our scripture passage for today talks about Jesus as the “bread of life,” the one who can fill the deepest hungers of our souls.  What exactly does Jesus mean when he says this?  Have we experienced this to be true?  What does it take from us, on our end, to know Jesus in this way?  I hope you’ll join us for worship today as we celebrate Holy Communion and reflect more on Jesus as the bread of life…the one who satisfies the hunger of our hearts and spirits in transformational ways.

Scripture passage: JOHN 6:3541-51

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