

This Sunday will mark the end of the season of Epiphany, a season when the identity and mission of Jesus are revealed in small and large ways. Our text for this week is Luke’s account of the Transfiguration, arguably the grandest of all the epiphany accounts. We climb the mountain with Jesus and the disciples in order to catch a glimpse of God’s radiant glory, reminded that Jesus is God’s “chosen one” and that our task is to “listen.”  What does it mean to “listen” when we’re dazzled on the mountaintop by God’s glory? And what does it mean to “listen” when we’re back in the valleys, flanked by fear and uncertainty? Join us as we celebrate this last Sunday of epiphany, preparing our hearts and minds to turn into the Lenten journey ahead.

Scripture passages: Luke 9:28-36

Note:  there were some initial technical difficulties with the video recording. They were resolved by about 7 minutes and 30 seconds in if you want to skip ahead.


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