The altar flowers today are given by Cliff & Julie in celebration of their 20th wedding anniversary.
Our communion offering last Sunday, in support for Strength for the Journey, raised $616. Thank you for your generosity!
The lunch bunch will meet today at noon for lunch at Café Athena.
The last official youth Day/Night at the Beach will be this Thursday, August 13. If any youth wish to attend, please RSVP with Dee.
All ladies are invited to meet on Saturday, August 15 at 3 pm, at 85 Degrees Café for a casual get together. Please RSVP to Su-Yen
if you would like to chat, have coffee or tea, and enjoy the baked treats.
The annual Fun in the Sun picnic is in three weeks and volunteers with trucks for table/chair transportation are needed. If you are willing to help, please email If you would like to attend the picnic, please sign up today. Abbey’s Real Texas BBW will be providing our main dish with tasty vegetarian options as well! The picnic will start a noon and run until 3pm.