Video Announcements for December 06, 2015

Video Announcements for December 06, 2015

The altar flowers today are given by Nancy to welcome her son Gregg who is visiting for the week. 

Our Voices of Praise choir will present a Christmas Cantata next Sunday, December 13th, during both of our services and in the evening at 6 pm. Invite a friend to come attend this musical lead into the Christmas season!

If you would like to order Christmas Poinsettias, please fill out the enclosed insert. Cost is $10.

PB UMC will provide six food baskets for low-income families this year. The baskets will be assembled after the second service next Sunday, December 13. You may use an offering envelope to donate in the collection plate (write “Christmas Baskets” on it), or ask Hope about donating groceries or gift cards.

It’s not Christmas without Caroling! Plan on singing to our house-bound members on December 20th, starting at 5pm. For more information, contact Lynn.

Please bring your donations of Christmas gifts for the Wednesday Night Program in the gift-wrapped box in the entry area. And see Chef Ben if you would like to contribute a ham for the Christmas meal on December 23. Also, if you have extra Christmas Cards and/or stamps, please place those items in the wicker basket in the entry area so that our Wednesday Night guests can send a Christmas card to their families this year.