Video Announcements for March 05, 2017

Video Announcements for March 05, 2017

The altar flowers are given by Teri P in celebration of the birthday her dad, Al H!

Our communion offering today is in support of One Great Hour of Sharing, which allows UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief) to share God’s love with communities worldwide.

Order your Easter Lilies today by filling out the green insert.

Aimee is away on vacation. Office hours this week are Tuesday and Wednesday, from 9 am to noon. Rick B has kindly agreed to staff the office during those times.

Lenten Bible Studies:
• Tuesday in El Cajon, starting March 14 at 7 pm. Contact Judi P for details.
• Wednesday in Pacific Beach starting March 8 at 6:30 pm. Contact Malea S for details.
• Thursday at PB UMC, starting March 16 at 1:30 pm. Contact Dee B for details.
• Saturday at PB UMC, starting March 17 at 9 am. Contact Al H for details.

All Church Family Camp starts on Friday, March 10. Please keep the campers in your prayers on Friday, Saturday, and next Sunday.