Interfaith Shelter Network 2018

Interfaith Shelter Network 2018

Harsh winters are uncommon and perhaps an unlikely event here in San Diego. Nevertheless, there are families and individuals in need of shelter.

For over thirty years, members and friends of PB UMC have opened their hearts and shared their gifts, talents, and services in welcoming our Interfaith Shelter Network (IFSN) guests. All shelter guests must receive a referral from the approved Network social service agency working with each branch. We avoid labels, but use the terms neighbor, friend, or family member, for this is our way of providing hospitality for two weeks.

The Interfaith Shelter Network is comprised of seven branches. The 2017-2018 shelter season started with an Interfaith Shelter training which provided an opportunity to network with representatives from all the branch congregations. There is a follow-up meeting of the Beach Branch (our branch) usually in October with more in-depth discussion, just prior to officially launching the IFSN program in the beach area. If you are interested in attending, contact Ken B.

In the August Beach Breeze there was short mention of the two week period in January that PB UMC is scheduled to host Interfaith Shelter. The success of the Shelter program is dependent upon the many volunteers. Next month I will provide details of all the opportunities, as well as examples of how members went beyond, by lending their time, talents, and resources in making our guests welcome.
