Video Announcements for May 27, 2018

Video Announcements for May 27, 2018

If you have any extra flower vases, please bring them to the church for the Flower Ministry. Our inventory is low, and we need more vases to continue to share our floral blessings!

Help us hand out hygiene kits for our unsheltered guests! Rebecca is collecting socks, hand sanitizer, tooth bush/toothpaste, wet wipes and nail file/kits (see the dollar store!) to be made up in kits to hand out to those in need. Please place your donations into the decorated box in the entry area.

Outdoor Church July 1st, one service at 10am

Summer Schedule – for the months of July and August, we will only have ONE worship service each Sunday at 10:00am!

La Jolla Presbyterian will host a blood drive today from 8:20 am – 1:30 pm, 7715 Draper Ave, in the Life Center Building, Rm #3. If you are 17 or older, in good health, and weigh at least 114 lbs, please consider donating. Walk-ins are welcome.

This month includes 5 Wednesdays, Join us for the Project Grace outreach to help prepare and serve the meal!

Save the date! If you are new to PB UMC and want to learn more about the church, meet members, find out about volunteer opportunities and ask questions, please plan to attend the New Member Orientation Luncheon on June 24 at noon in the Fellowship Hall. There is no charge for the luncheon, however your RSVP will be appreciated for planning purposes. Please contact Dart R or the church office to reserve your space.

Questions of Faith is an opportunity to ask questions of life and faith in the worship setting. If you would like to ask a question, fill out the form on the back of the Prayer Request cards and place them in the offering plate. Pastor Bob will select 1-3 questions most weeks to answer during worship on a future Sunday.
