by Ryan B., Labor of Love Chair
Over the last few weeks, Pastor Bob has led us through sermons, speaking upon the many important ministries in this congregation. At PB UMC, we have a special calling to serve those in need, unarguably before our own needs. We have worked diligently towards diversity and inclusion in our congregation, and became forefathers of this progressive “theological statement.”
As members in this faith community, we recognize that we are benefactors of the generosity of those who have come before us. We look forward to continuing our
outreach and leaving a legacy to those who are left behind.
Labor of Love is a project that will enable us to expand upon our outreach, and welcome those who do not yet call PB UMC their faith community.

Specifics of the Project
Refurbishing and refreshing our facility in order to remain a place of worship and spiritual restoration. More specifically, our plan is:

- To replace fragile and mismatched glass/windows in the sanctuary and admin/education buildings.
- To replace the rotting frames that encase these windows, which will beautify the worship space and improve sound and weather insulation.
- To replace doors and entrances, upgrading for security, while increasing our curb appeal along Ingraham and Thomas.
- To create a new outdoor sign to bring a refreshed and welcoming aesthetic.
- To imprint the distinctive cross and flame of The United Methodist Church on the glass over the Northeast entrance and at the North of the education building, reminding all who we are as United Methodists.
Total Project Cost: Estimated at $475,000.
It’s important to note that we are coming into our historical fundraising season for the 2019 budget and fiscal year. Labor of Love is a project that is above and beyond traditional tithes and offerings, and should not be considered in place of regular giving.
Details about fundraiser Marsha B
- We have contracted with a master philanthropist and capital campaign fundraiser in the non-profit sector, Marsha B., who came highly recommended to us from the United Methodist Church in Encinitas.
- Marsha will be conducting a feasibility study, interviewing a cross-section of the congregation to help her analyze our potential to fund a project of this nature.
- She will lead us through the fundraising campaign. The forecasted project start is Early 2019.
We thank you in advance for your continued patience and patronage in this project. We are excited about the opportunities it will bring for PB UMC and hope that you too will choose to be a part of it.
If you have any questions for the committee, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Thank you!