Responding to COVID-19

Responding to COVID-19

PB UMC Family –

The past 24-48 hours have brought waves of information, concern, and conversation about the COVID-19 pandemic. Leaders across our region, our denomination, and within our own faith community have been in prayerful conversation about how best to respond. We are taking care to base these important conversations and decisions under the guidance of the California Department of Public Health, who are now recommending limiting public gathering.

Source: CDPH COVID-19 Page; CDPH Recommendations

In response to recommendations from Public Health officials, our own Bishop and Superintendents, and leadership from our faith community, we have a plan to help keep our worshipers safe during the COVID-19 pandemic.

We will plan to worship this Sunday, March 15th, with our Mid-Century Modern service at 9:00am and our Connexions service at 10:30am. We will practice “social distancing” and will avoid physical contact during these services. If you are at higher risk according to CDC guidelines, we encourage you to worship through our livestream. It is NOT the same as being present. Even so, your health and safety are critically important.

We will worship online only on March 22nd and March 29th. This will take place during the 9:00 hour and will include music, prayer, children’s time, scripture, and a message. A bulletin will be published on the livestream page and will be included in the regular weekly email.

We continue to have ways to give online, and we are still doing ministry as best we can in this climate. We need to continue to support these ministries. You can find how to give online on our website, or you can simply mail your check to the church office.

When you worship online, you may do so at our website at: Thank you for understanding our desire to care for all of our members and to keep our faith community safe. We take these extraordinary measures out of an abundance of caution.

Finally, please find ways to remain connected with your faith community. If you are a digital person, our social media channels are a great way to do this. If you are connected to one of our digital small groups, please take advantage of this opportunity to connect. We will be looking at additional digital solutions. If you are not digital, please pick up the telephone and call someone from your church! The essence of our faith is found in how we build community!

In this time of concern, may we be reminded that Jesus’ incarnate presence took time often to bring healing to body, mind, and spirit. We continue to have faith in God’s healing and comforting presence. During this necessity of social distance, may the strength of our faith community hold us in spiritual connection, and may God light our path…

Pastor Bob

Meet Judy B.