Posts by Adam Marshall-Lopez

Posts by Adam Marshall-Lopez

A Clear Rejection Is Better than a Fake Promise

Perhaps you have noticed that some portions of this week’s Scripture seem more familiar than others. Some of this is due to sheer repetition — as in the case of John 3:16 or Psalm 23. Other occasions are due to certain material actually being repeated in the scriptures. Our passage on Sunday has two very instances of this!

Life Interrupted

I don’t know about you, but I find interruptions to be bothersome. If I have finally found myself “on task” it can be a real nuisance for someone (or something) to pull my attention away. Maybe I finally catch that groove where I can be productive and efficient. Maybe I’m so deep in thought or action that I find it difficult to form words along any other train of thought. Interruptions can be frustratingly intrusive, and the same is true across experiences of life. 

Who Let You In Here?

Our scripture this week can be jolting to those of us who are especially devoted to that which is “fair.” It invites us to ponder the nature of God’s grace.