Posts by Bob Rhodes (Page 14)

Posts by Bob Rhodes (Page 14)


In the closing sermon of our Lenten series, we conclude by looking forward with hope at God’s promise for all people.


This Sunday, we explore the concept of recovery. This work prepares us to hear even more clearly the good news that our faults and weaknesses do not define us, and that healing and wholeness are possible.


This Sunday’s message frames the Christian “program” of Rehab in the Ten Commandments.


This second Sunday in Lent focuses on intervention and the idea that we must rely on help to endure the wilderness.


This Sunday, we begin the season of Lent with a focus on wilderness. What is the wilderness?


This Sunday is Transfiguration Sunday, a time of exploring the mystery of Jesus on a mountaintop and a profoundly transforming experience.

Tony – The Movie

I recently wrote a piece for our local Beach & Bay Press about a community event to help teach about the experiences of homelessness in San Diego and efforts to reverse the trend of rising numbers.

Rise Up

This Sunday’s lectionary text reminds us that Jesus frees us to be who God creates us to be.