Posts by Bob Rhodes (Page 17)

Posts by Bob Rhodes (Page 17)


As a human who has spent more than a minute on this earth, I have experienced death. What can we learn from loss and death and how can we be shaped by these lessons?


At our Annual Conference in June, Bishop Hagiya set several ambitious goals for each church in our region.


The story of Moses begins with fire, a divine experience that inspired Moses to grow into one of the greatest leaders of all time.


We all have stuff we get excited about. Is faith something we get excited about??

Step Toward… Your Siblings in Abraham

We continue Paul’s letter with a reminder that the gifts of the Spirit cannot be recalled or undone. Paul’s reminds us that the covenant with Abraham extends to all of Abraham’s descendants. 

Step Out… into Faith

This Sunday we begin a new short series that explores Romans 10-12 and three steps we might consider as people of faith.


This Sunday we conclude our series “The Apostles Tale.” To watch/hear previous sermons from this series, click here. In this closing sermon in the series, we transition from an appropriate conversation about our duties as persons of faith to care for the marginalized and the underprivileged (as Jesus reminds us to care for the hungry and thirsty, as well as the stranger in Matthew 25) to an exploration of God’s promise – a promise made available to all of God’s…


This Sunday, Pastor Christopher will build on last week’s teaching on “suffering with Christ” with the recognition of the difficulty of seeing the breadth of suffering in our world today.


Continuing our series, The Apostle’s Tale, we explore the problem of selfishness and examine how we might turn more toward the Divine in hope.