Posts by Bob Rhodes (Page 23)

Posts by Bob Rhodes (Page 23)


October has become the traditional month at Pacific Beach UMC when we embark on our annual Stewardship campaign. It is a time where we recommit – or perhaps commit for the first time – ourselves to supporting the ministries of PB UMC and of the broader connected Church. We hear sermons intended to inspire thoughtful commitment and generosity, sometimes we hear from members of the congregation, we receive letters from the pastor, and we fill out a card indicating our…

Plus One: Presence

This Sunday, we’ll talk about the importance of our presence in our faith community. Our presence makes a difference.

Plus One: Prayer

Think for a moment about prayer. When do you pray? Do you have a particular place or way that feels right to pray? Do you say the same prayer every time? Do you follow a particular pattern? Join PB UMC this Sunday as we begin a conversation about Stewardship and about prayer.

Making Plans

I’m not a planner. I’m a firm advocate that the best way to make God laugh is to tell God your plans.

A Nation of Privilege

I am a straight white cisgendered middle-class male. The reason it’s important to name these things about myself is because these categories afford me a certain amount of privilege.

General Conference Wrap-Up

On May 22nd we took time to “decompress” or “wrap-up” the events of The United Methodist Church’s quadrennial (every four years) General Conference that took place in Portland, OR. The General Conference is the highest legislative gathering in The United Methodist Church with voting membership consisting of an equal number of clergy and lay delegates elected by the Annual Conferences. General Conference is the only body that can speak officially for The United Methodist Church. As one who has a…


Some of you may have heard the news that my younger sister Lyz and her husband Braden recently had a baby! Little Ava was born on April 9th into a family filled with love and hope and joy. Beth and I are looking forward to meeting Ava when they come to Southern California this June! This has brought back so many memories for me! I remember when both of our boys were born, both under circumstances that were both similar…

Lifted Up

In a recent conversation with a clergy colleague, we were laughing a bit at how random the daily life and work of any clergy person can be. We began as this colleague spoke of having to address a minor plumbing issue in the church that he serves, and we continued with a long list of other jobs (i.e. copy machine operator, counter wiper, publications and social media guru, musician, bulletin/newsletter/projection editor, door un-locker, photo & historical item sorter, graphic designer,…


Dear friends… It is my hope that each of you are experiencing the season of Lent in profound ways. We continue this month in the exploration of the Gospel of Mark’s telling of the last week Jesus spent in Jerusalem. We’ve considered the contrast between Jesus’ procession into Jerusalem on a donkey and Pilate’s show of force as each came into the city for the Passover festival. We’ve explored the reasoning behind Jesus’ anger in the Temple the following day…


As we enter the month of February, we are not only entering into the season of the world’s largest and most expensive spectacle (i.e. the Super Bowl), but also into a season of inner reflection and discernment. Note: In preparing this article/Pastor’s page, I asked my phone what specific date the Super Bowl would be played wanting to be sure it was actually in February. Not only did she affirm the February date, but she reminded me that it has…