Posts by Bob Rhodes (Page 4)

Posts by Bob Rhodes (Page 4)

The Journey to Joy

We place a great deal of value on traditions. Most of us likely experienced traditions both silly and serious from our families of origin. In our life of faith, we highly value traditions as well. These traditions are important because they help to root us in an identity.

The Promise of Potential

As we continue in the Advent season in preparation for Christmas, we read about the angel’s visit to Mary. We surely marvel at her response, not just at the presence of an angel or the news of her impending pregnancy, but even more…


As a community of faith, I believe we are on this journey together. In covenanting together, we experience a collective community who supports and cares for one another in vital and life-giving ways.

DIY Stewardship

Although we are transitioning into November, we are taking this Sunday to conclude our annual Stewardship series. This final Sunday acknowledges that we often take great pride in doing things ourselves, and perhaps we can do so in how we commit to giving our prayers, our presence, our gifts, our service, and our witness in support of these ministries.

Great Power and Great Grace

This Sunday’s text invites us to dream about possibilities and what can happen when we come together fully and completely in Christian community. None of us are alone on this journey of faith. When we come together as the body of Christ, we can do all things through the power of the One who gives us strength.

The Gift of Giving

In this Sunday’s text, Paul focuses on God’s generosity as he invites the church in Corinth to be generous. In part, Paul frames it as a response out of gratitude. “Thank God for his gift that words can’t describe!”

The Blessing of Giving

As Paul is departing Ephesus, he tells the leaders of that faith community that it is more blessed to give than to receive. This week, we will hear from PB UMC member Mavi as she shares how she has been blessed…

A Little Is Enough

This text includes the familiar setting of busy-ness, as “many people [are] coming and going.” In the busy-ness, the disciples pro-actively realize that the people will become hungry; they also see that their own resources are limited. But Jesus knows that a little is enough…

In Response…

As we conclude this journey through the Gospel of Mark, we arrive at both ending and beginning. This selected text includes a brief excerpt from the drama of Jesus’ arrest. But this isn’t where the story ends. When the world is at its darkest, the sun begins to rise. Just as Jesus has defied social norms throughout his life, he even defies death.