Posts by Office Administrator (Page 16)

Posts by Office Administrator (Page 16)

Advent & Christmas 2016

Our Advent and Christmas seasons offer much in the way of connecting to our community and our faith. Check out all the ways to celebrate and find joy in the season!!

Fun in the Sun!

by roving reporter Marcia M. On August 28th, PB UMC held its annual “Fun-in-the-Sun” beach party in Mission Bay, and it was definitely fun in the sun: lots of fun and lots of sun! The sun was bright and shining, and there was a really nice breeze that kept approximately 100 attendees from getting too hot. The food was amazingly good. Chef DK Catering supplied tasty sliders made from different kinds of meat and a varie- ty of cheeses and…

Beach Breeze – October 2016

To view the October 2016 edition of the Beach Breeze on a mobile device or to save and/or print, click this button: Download Or copy and paste this link into your web browser:

Beach Breeze – September 2016

To view the September 2016 edition of the Beach Breeze on a mobile device or to save and/or print, click this button: Download Or copy and paste this link into your web browser: Please note that there is an error in this month’s newsletter on the calendar page. Our regular SPRC, Finance, and Trustee meetings will not be held on the 6th as noted in the newsletter but will be held the following week on the 13th. These are correctly noted on…

Beach Breeze – August 2016

To view the August 2016 edition of the Beach Breeze on a mobile device or to save and/or print, click this button: Download Or copy and paste this link into your web browser:

Annual Conference 2016 Report

The 2016 Annual Conference in Redlands, CA, is now complete, and delegates from PB UMC have returned home filled with stories and experiences. The Annual Conference included some of the “norm,” related to the business of the Conference, and concluded with the Commissioning and Ordination Service.