Posts by Office Administrator (Page 20)
Christmas Baskets for Families
There are a number of ways to serve our underprivileged sisters and brothers in Pacific Beach and San Diego. Here are two ways to help in partnership with CCSA…
Meet Our Very Talented Musicians: Pianist Laura Williams
Get to know one of PB UMC’s talented musicians, Laura Williams!
October Inclusiveness Wrap-up
October saw two major activities at Pacific Beach UMC in support of our ministry to the LGBT community: a Marriage Equality celebration and an Inclusivity workshop.
Beach Breeze – November 2015
To view the November 2015 edition of the Beach Breeze on a mobile device or to save and/or print, click this button: Download Or copy and paste this link into your web browser:
Meet our Very Talented Musician: Pianist Sidney Yin
Get to know one of PB UMC’s talented musicians, Dr. Sidney Yin!
Church Picnic Wrap-Up
The 2015 PB UMC “Fun in the Sun” picnic is now a (hopefully) happy memory for all attendees. I have many folks I’d like to thank…
Beach Breeze – October 2015
Check out the October 2015 edition of the Beach Breeze!
Celebrate Love for All
On October 10, 2015, Pacific Beach UMC will host a celebration for Marriage Equality in partnership with other United Methodist Churches throughout Southern California!
2015 Church Photo Directory
Do you know the person who sits next to you or the family who sits across the aisle from you in church? Most, if not all, of us can’t say yes to this question all the time, so we need a new photo directory! This directory will have family photos along with contact information so that we’ll recognize folks at church and know how to contact them (with contact information OKed by the family). A family is defined as one person, married or…
Spiritual Adventures
This summer and this year I’ve been a part of some spiritual adventures and joyful opportunities. I’ve taken on several roles at the PB UMC family congregation and have loved each one, because of those around it. With that in mind, I do wish to thank all the individuals who take it upon themselves to also be at many places in the time that we have with each other. Because of your time and efforts, we have been capable of…