Announcements (Page 16)

Announcements (Page 16)

Video Announcements for July 09, 2017

This year’s All Church Picnic will be on August 20! Be sure to check your Beach Breeze for more information, and don’t miss this exciting event! The San Diego Pride Festival will be held NEXT WEEKEND July 15-16 this year! PB UMC will participating in both the Pride Parade on Saturday, and in staffing a booth at the Festival both days. Want one of those neat PB UMC T-Shirts from the last festival? Volunteer and if you don’t already have…

Video Announcements for June 11, 2017

Today’s altar flowers are given by Patty R in memory of her parents, Kittu & Charles. Our lives sometimes seem like a series of transitions, where we find change happening around us and happening to us. Yet from these chaotic times, god draws us into relationship and community. This five-week sermon series is called From Chaos to Community and follows the Genesis passages of the Revised Common Lectionary. Come and experience community! All youth are invited to a celebration of…

Chaos to Community

This Sunday we begin a new five-week sermon series that reminds us that the trajectory of our ministries mirrors the trajectory of some of the most pressure-packed passages of our lives.

Video Announcements for May 28, 2017

Today’s altar flowers are given by Ken B in honor of the birthday of Inez, his mother. Are you interested in learning about the technology that goes into running a worship service? Contact Joe P for information about joining the TechArts team and learning about the sound, live streaming, or slide projection systems! Just a reminder that the office will be closed on Memorial Day, Monday, May 29th. Looking ahead, the church office will be closed on Monday, June 5,…

Video Announcements for April 30, 2017

Don’t forget after the 2nd service to join the Lunch Bunch at Pieology, 1656 Garnet, from 1pm on. This is a Youth Fundraiser so please grab a fundraising flyer from church before you head over to eat! A membership orientation lunch will be held on May 7, following the 10:30 service. This is a free lunch, but for planning purposes, please RSVP with Dart “Women of the Bible” will be presented by Rev. Julie Elkin on May 7. Join us…

Video Announcements for April 23, 2017

Adam M donated today’s altar flowers celebrating his 1st year of Seminary. Please join us for a Membership Orientation lunch on May 7th to learn more about membership here at PBUMC Our Storefront Ministry to homeless teens takes place this Wednesday, April 25th. Contact David McC or the church office if you would like to help.