Announcements (Page 17)

Announcements (Page 17)

Video Announcements for April 16, 2017

Happy Easter! The altar flowers today are given by Lisa P in loving memory of Beryl P, beloved sister who passed away April 18, 2016. Our Sanctuary has been decorated with Easter Lilies donated by members of the congregation listed in the dedications flyer in your bulletin. Bright Sunday is next Sunday! Wear your brightest clothing and meet up in the courtyard between 10-10:30am for a church photo. The ladies at PB UMC will meet for an evening out next…

Our Next Sermon Series: Half-Truths

On Sunday, April 30th, Pacific Beach UMC embarks on a five-week sermon series based on the book Half Truths by United Methodist Pastor Adam Hamilton. The series (and the book) remind us of some of the common phrases we say to one another that bear deeper examination.

Video Announcements for April 09, 2017

The altar flowers today are in memory of my Dad, Rick C, and all Dads that are missed, by Scott C & Rick C. This is the last day that you can order Easter Lilies Holy Week: • Good Friday, 5-7:30pm. Come at any time to explore the meaning of the day at your own pace. All ages are welcome. • Easter Sunday. o 6 am, Sunrise Service at Crown Point Park at the foot of Lamont Street. o 7:30-10am,…

Holy Week 2017

In our prayerful journey through the season of Lent, we prepare ourselves for Easter and the celebration of resurrection! Don’t miss the many opportunities to move through this time of preparation and into celebrating Christ anew in our lives.