Announcements (Page 25)
All-Church Gathering
All members and friends of Pacific Beach UMC are invited to gather together to share in a lunch and a presentation of several items important to the life of this congregation.
Video Announcements for April 26, 2015
Altar Flowers, GriefShare, Membership Orientation and UMYF information
Video Announcements for April 19, 2015
Altar flowers, GriefShare, Storefront Ministry, Membership Orientation, Youth 2015 and more!
County Volunteer Award
This past week, PB UMC was recognized by San Diego County’s Registrar of Voters. Of note was the church’s long-term commitment to serve as a polling place beginning in 1988 and continuing for 27 years!
Video Announcements for April 12, 2015
Our Easter and Communion offerings in support of camping scholarships for our youth raised over $3,025 and counting. Thank you for your generosity! Today the Middle/High School youth will hold a work day at Dee’s to help raise money for group events for the individuals who participate. The GriefShare support group will meet at 1 pm in Room 100, next to the nursery. This week’s topic is “Complicating Factors.” The United Methodist Men thank everyone for supporting the Annual…
Video Announcements for April 05, 2015
Easter Sunday! Introducing our Marine Band Brass Ensemble, Afternoon Tea with the ladies of PBUMC, and Music Appreciation Sunday.
Video Announcements for March 29, 2015
Altar Flowers, GriefShare, and Easter week information!
Video Announcements for March 8, 2015
The altar flowers today are given by Al’s family, in celebration of his 90th birthday! All are invited to the social hall for cake after the 2nd service. The GriefShare support group will meet at 1pm in Room 100, next to the nursery. This week’s topic is “Challenges of Grief.” The UMYF will meet next Sunday, March 15, at 5 pm for a meeting and dinner. Please bring $10 for your meal if possible. Easter is on its way and…
Video Announcements for March 1, 2015
The video announcements include information on the GriefShare support group, One Great Hour of Sharing for UMCOR, Al’s birthday, Easter Sunday, and a daylight savings time change reminder.
Holy Week 2015
As we look toward the season of Easter and the celebration of Christ’s resurrection, we often
seek signs of new hope and new life in the world around us. Again this year, PB UMC offers a number of worship opportunities for spiritual growth & fulfillment.