Community (Page 3)
Meet our Wesley Intern: Rebecca Matsch
Roving Reporter Marcia M. caught up with Rebecca Matsch, our Wesley Foundation Intern!
Meet our Sojourning Pastor: Dr. Christopher Carter
This month I got the opportunity to chat with Pastor Christopher Carter, PhD, our assistant pastor and an assistant professor of theology at University of San Diego (USD).
Meet One of Our Voices of Praise: Stephanie J.
This month I got the opportunity to chat with Stephanie J. and her mother, Dorothy. Stephanie sang in our most recent 2nd Sunday Concert.
Community Meal Petition
In light of the petition begun this week to eliminate Church feedings to the unsheltered community in Pacific Beach, we recognize that we have an opportunity to communicate the full ministry taking place here at PB UMC beyond the free meal.
Clobber Passages – Media
PB UMC hosted an event exploring the Biblical texts often understood to be about LGBTQ relationships.
UMC Annual Conference Reflections
Pastoral student Adam M. reflects on the June 2017 Cal-Pac Annual Conference.
PLOT: First 2nd Sunday Concert of 2017
Our own Roving Reporter wrote up our most recent 2nd Sunday Concert featuring Point Loma Opera Theatre!
2017 All-Church Family Camp
Our All-Church Family Camp is March 10-12, 2017.
Interfaith Shelter 2017
By Kenneth B. This is our 31st season of hosting Interfaith Shelter Network guests at Pacific Beach UMC. The collaborative program serves more than 200 homeless men, women, and children in San Diego who receive shelter and other services for a two week period. Over the years, the demographical composition of shelter guests has changed; we are seeing more single mothers with children. Our guests will arrive Saturday, January 28th, to officially launch the start of the two week period…
Our Beloved Evergreen Tree
by Dick V.S. Our large evergreen tree was originally planted in the northwest corner of the courtyard. It was moved to its current location for more room to grow and to become a central symbol. For many years coffee was served on the east side of the tree, using actual cups and saucers. Candle light services were held around it on Christmas Eves with a nativity scene as the focal point. Sometime in the 1990s, Andy H-S strung a power cord…