Missions (Page 2)
The Many Faces of Grace
Shoreline Community Services, the partnering agency for the Wednesday night ministries, is working diligently to take over the responsibilities financial and otherwise of this ministry. In this process we have worked side by side with our regular volunteers to learn all the details and tasks that are handled behind the scenes. We have brought in outreach from agencies such as Feeding America, the VA, and Veteran’s Village. These outreach efforts complement the existing outreach of Family Health Centers of San Diego…
Shoreline, Casting a Net of Care
By Beth Rhodes, Executive Director of Shoreline Community Services Even though we’ve just begun, there are many exciting things happening for Shoreline Community Services… Through a wonderful new member of PB UMC, Shoreline has been able to develop a partnership with St. James Episcopal Church‘s Health Services Committee. This committee manages a fund dedicated to helping those who cannot afford the medical care they need. This committee has approved funding to assist with surgeries, outpatient procedures, and special eye-wear and…
Interfaith Shelter 2016
This is the 30th season that PB UMC has hosted guests from the Interfaith Shelter Network, the shelter program where more than 200 homeless men, woman and children receive shelter and other services throughout the San Diego region for a two-week period. Over the years, the demographical composition of shelter guest has changed; we are seeing more single mothers with children. Our guests will arrive Saturday, February 20th to officially launch the start of the two-week period here at PB…
Christmas Baskets for Families
There are a number of ways to serve our underprivileged sisters and brothers in Pacific Beach and San Diego. Here are two ways to help in partnership with CCSA…
October Inclusiveness Wrap-up
October saw two major activities at Pacific Beach UMC in support of our ministry to the LGBT community: a Marriage Equality celebration and an Inclusivity workshop.
Helper Bags are Making a Difference
Over 20 volunteers packed more than 200 bags full of socks, toiletries, chap stick, water and non-perishable foods. This project was 100% funded by donations & volunteers. Thank you!
Sierra Service Project 2015
Thank you all for your continued support and prayers for our PB UMC Youth Ministries Program. We ended up having a team of 10 head to Stockton, CA for SSP (Sierra Service Project). There were only 7 others there for our work week, which was a different experience than we have had previous years. We liked the smaller group and we all got to know everyone, not just those on our work teams. Our projects included building an awning, painting,…
Starfish Stories – Aug. 2015
A young girl was walking along a beach in which thousands of starfish had been washed up during a storm. When she came to each starfish, she would pick it up, and throw it back into the water. She had been doing this for some time, when a man approached her and said, “Little girl, why are you doing this? You can’t save all these starfish. You can’t begin to make a difference!” The little girl seemed crushed, deflated. But…
Helper Bags
In an effort to grow our community outreach, we will be making and handing out “helper bags” filled with essentials to our homeless neighbors, along with an invitation to join us in our Wednesday night meals, as well as a list of other local homeless dining options.
Summer Camp is Around the Corner (by Dee)
Dee offers a glimpse into the life of United Methodist church camps & shares the theme for this year’s camps…