Missions (Page 3)

Missions (Page 3)

Sandy Recovery Mission Trip

The South District of the California-Pacific Annual (Regional) Conference of the United Methodist Church is sponsoring a mission trip this fall to Crisfield, Maryland – an area devastated by Hurricane Sandy in 2012.

We All Count

Many of us at PB UMC volunteer our time and resources to help feed our homeless neighbors. We bring blankets and shoes. We collect clothing. These are worthy acts. But what about the next meal? What about the next week or month? Thousands of individuals, families, and unaccompanied children experience homelessness annually in San Diego County. The task of alleviating homelessness can seem daunting. However, it is possible. We can’t fix what we can’t measure. Understanding our homeless allows our…

Grants and Gifts and Generosity, Oh My!

‘Tis indeed the season for Christmas Generosity! Sempra Utilities gave The Welcome Door a grant of $1000. The good folks at Intuit, as well as donating boxes of personal-sized toiletries, are donating approximately $100 per volunteer hour that their employees work on the 4th Wednesday of each month. Individuals from the community send in checks to help with our Wednesday Night program, as well as volunteering to sponsor and serve meals each week. The Tzu Chi Foundation (all organic, all…

Interfaith Shelter and PB UMC

With the arrival of our guests on December 28, PB UMC will once again participate in the Interfaith Shelter Network. The guests will be at the church from 5 pm in the evening to 7 am the next morning during their two-week stay. They will sleep at the church, shower at the church, and eat their breakfasts and dinners at the church. During the day they will be working, job hunting, or going to school. We will send them out…

Christmas for our Wednesday Night Guests

Our Christmas Dinner for our Wednesday Night guests will be held on December 17th this year. Chef Ben is planning on cooking a wonderful Ham dinner with all of the fixings! If you would like to share in this Christmas offering to our less fortunate neighbors, you have plenty of opportunities to contribute! Gifts: We are seeking contributions of new (mostly) men’s athletic crew or longer socks, adult-sized watch caps (also known as beanies, tooks, knit caps), neck scarfs, hoodie…

Update from our Missionaries in Japan

By Rev. Claudia Genung-Yamamoto I have been in Kobe for three years after serving for 20 years as a missionary in Tokyo. Presently, I am the associate pastor at the Kobe Jesus Band Church (UCCJ) located on the 4th floor of the Kagawa Center. I also work with the Tengokuya Cafe ́ (Heaven’s Café). The Tengokuya (Heaven’s Café) has been a place for people with various needs to come and find comfort. The lunches served on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays…