Sermon Notes (Page 10)

Sermon Notes (Page 10)

Nearly every week, Sermon Notes are provided to help us prepare for upcoming sermons.  Feel free to use these Sermon Notes in your personal study or in a group!

A Little Is Enough

This text includes the familiar setting of busy-ness, as “many people [are] coming and going.” In the busy-ness, the disciples pro-actively realize that the people will become hungry; they also see that their own resources are limited. But Jesus knows that a little is enough…

In Response…

As we conclude this journey through the Gospel of Mark, we arrive at both ending and beginning. This selected text includes a brief excerpt from the drama of Jesus’ arrest. But this isn’t where the story ends. When the world is at its darkest, the sun begins to rise. Just as Jesus has defied social norms throughout his life, he even defies death.


As we continue in the passion narrative in the Gospel of Mark, we come to a moment that is among the most holy in our Worship experience. Among the various Christian traditions, a near universal celebration is the sacrament of Holy Communion, rooted in this text.


In this Sunday’s text, we learn that it’s not just the religious leaders who are frustrated about Jesus’ presence and teaching. As it turns out, there are even some in Jesus’ inner circle who become angry. But Jesus teaches that their priorities are – once again – off the mark.

Inside Out

The scripture for this Sunday is a bit broken up, and part of what we’re exploring is just a portion of a Biblical literary device known academically as a “Markan Frame.” Separating this out helps us to focus on what we might discern from this focused portion of the text.

The Rich Young Ruler

This Sunday’s text is another familiar story. We read about a man who runs up to Jesus and kneels before him with a question about what is required for eternal life. Jesus responds to the urgent question with clarity, and continues to interact with the man with careful attention and love.

Feeding the Multitudes… Again

This Sunday’s text is likely familiar. Most of us are familiar with the story of Jesus feeding 5000 people. But on a close reading, this one is different—and in fact is the second time in just a few chapters that Jesus feeds thousands!

When Religion Gets in the Way

This Sunday’s text may feel peculiar. Why would these religious leaders be criticizing people for the way they wash their hands? Is this simply about hygiene? Or is it something more?

Not in This Town

As we continue from last week’s text, we find ourselves deep into questions of identity and awareness. Is Jesus an amazing teacher and healer, is he the carpenter’s son who grew up in town?

The Other Side

In this Sunday’s text, Jesus invites the disciples to join him in crossing to the other side of the lake. In doing so, they find themselves in a storm so terrifying that even experienced fishermen fear that they’ll drown.