Sermon Notes (Page 4)

Sermon Notes (Page 4)

Nearly every week, Sermon Notes are provided to help us prepare for upcoming sermons.  Feel free to use these Sermon Notes in your personal study or in a group!

Follow Me

The earliest disciples, two sets of brothers, Simon/Andrew and James/John, were hard at work in their trade of fishing.  They seemed to drop everything and wordlessly follow after Jesus in response to Jesus’ invitation to, “Follow me and I will make you fish for people.”

Come and See

In our passage this week, we see the circle of discipleship growing wider and wider as one person invites another to join the journey, extending the invitation, “Come and see.”  We’ll spend some time on Sunday thinking about that simple invitation…what it doesn’t ask of us and what it does.

The Promise of Baptism

This is the first Sunday after Epiphany! This is the Sunday where we celebrate new beginnings as Jesus, one without sin, gets baptized by John the Baptist.

What Will You Receive?

This Sunday we’ll spend time in Luke’s Gospel with the encounter between the angel Gabriel and Mary and ponder how God works in ways that are often contrary to what we expect and to what we even believe is possible! 


This Sunday we’ll spend time in Luke’s Gospel with the encounter between the angel Gabriel and Mary and ponder how God works in ways that are often contrary to what we expect and to what we even believe is possible! 

Christmas Musical: A Baby Changes Everything

This Sunday is the third Sunday in Advent, the Sunday traditionally known as Gaudete Sunday or Joy Sunday!  We light the third candle in the Advent Wreath, the candle of Joy, not in denial of all that is heavy or difficult in our lives or our world, but as a sign of hope.


Our scripture passages during Advent remind us about other important and meaningful preparations during this season…the preparation of our hearts and spirits, our individual lives and our world to receive God once again, incarnate – in the flesh – in the person of Jesus. How are we to prepare?  According to John we prepare through confession and repentance of our sins.  And while that may not sound as fun as hanging Christmas lights or baking cookies or online shopping, it is the preparation that can release us from old wounds and patterns, that can clear a space within us for the gift of God’s presence and transforming grace.    

The Advent Journey

The season of Advent is rich with tradition. However we mark the days of Advent, my hope is that the journey through those days awakens our hearts, minds and spirits to the ways in which God responds to our deepest longings and comes to us anew this season.  Our gospel reading from Mark encourages us to “keep awake,” to pay attention because God is about to do a remarkable thing.

Royal Living

This king is not about the crown.  This king is not about the power.  This king is not about dominion.  This king and this kingdom are marked by values that are altogether different.  


What is it we’ve been given and what is the end result if all we do is keep it safe? Our scripture reading for this week is the Parable of the Talents. It’s another parable that may leave us scratching our heads in wonder. The master leaves and entrusts his entire estate to his servants. Two of the servants invest what’s been entrusted to their care and one, afraid of the master, buries what he’s received in the ground until the master returns. While the first two servants are rewarded, the third servant is called worthless (ouch) and thrown into the outer darkness.