Sermon Notes (Page 7)

Sermon Notes (Page 7)

Nearly every week, Sermon Notes are provided to help us prepare for upcoming sermons.  Feel free to use these Sermon Notes in your personal study or in a group!

Where do you think God might be leading you in the face of these feelings of separation?

Don’t Worry

It’s hard being separated with so much going on in our world. Where do you think God might be leading you in the face of these feelings of separation?
Next Steps

Next Steps

One of my core understandings of God is through the concept of call. I believe that God calls to us, speaks to us, invites us into relationship and invites us into action. We have spoken about the Pentecost work that must be done in the face of the profound pain we can see in the world. Have the courage to take these steps even if you do not know where they will lead. Have the courage to go to unexpected places, figuratively or literally, and discover that in doing so you are responding to God’s divine call.

I Am Always With You

The gospel lesson for this upcoming Trinity Sunday is the part where Jesus ascends to heaven after his resurrection on earth. The disciples have lost him once and they are all the more frightened to lose him once again. But as Jesus ascends, he shares these words: “And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

Creating Together

This Sunday, we continue our series on creativity. Rev. Jeri asks what our lives of faith would be like if we entered into a creative process to discover new ways in which to express our faith and our love for God in Jesus Christ.
In The Beginning

In the Beginning

This Sunday, we launch into a new sermon series. Our current reality of social isolation in the midst of a pandemic is not the only example of widescale stress and anxiety on the human species. Psychologists and historians continue to point out that one expression of humanity seems constant across such periods of stress – creativity.

By His Wounds

We’ve all heard it before: suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. I stand by my belief that God doesn’t want us to suffer and that suffering is the way to salvation. At the same time, we can’t deny the fact that destruction is always somewhat a part of the reconstruction process. And death is part and parcel of the process for birth.

Faith & Hope

Setting aside the COVID-19 virus, I suggest we have already been in need of revival. Our world has seemed increasingly partisan. Surely, we have a feeling of being in the wilderness. We are seeking sustenance and refreshment. We are seeking God’s renewing and forgiving Spirit. We are in need of revival!

Revive Us

On Easter Sunday people all over the world celebrated in ways previously unimagined. There was a rise in telecasting while church pews remain empty. Only Jesus could bring forth life, life in abundance, from what some people say is a time of complete devastation.

From Isolation to Resurrection!

This Sunday is Easter Sunday! While we continue to endure “social distancing,” we will enjoy a lively worship experience by livestream, joined by our friends at St. Mark’s UMC.