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Dear friends… July brings a particular beginning that is significant to many United Methodists, and the recent conclusion of the California-Pacific Annual Conference makes this even more definitive – particularly for those who participated in the Conference. As your Pastor here at Pacific Beach United Methodist Church, you may know that my “church membership” does not reside at PB UMC or any other local church. My membership resides at the Annual Conference, and it is through our Bishop’s leadership at…


Dear friends… As we enter the month of June, we – once again – experience some of the natural rhythms of change. Tourists have begun to come into our communities; children have completed schoolwork and will transition into their next grade levels; and the “season after Pentecost” has begun. June is also the month that our regional United Methodist Churches will send representatives to the University of Redlands for our Annual Conference. New clergypersons will be Commissioned, some will be…


Dear friends… As I write this, it’s actually well before this issue of the Beach Breeze is to be released in early May. I’m about to head with Beth on a trip to Palm Springs after a full Easter Sunday. And I’m filled with excitement. There are a number of reasons that I feel excited. One is simply that I’m going on vacation for a few days with Beth – and while the boys stay home under the capable care…

Authentic Resurrection

Dear friends… As we move into the month of April (and as my dad would say), Spring has sprung! The famous San Diego weather has returned and the sun warms us free of clouds of rain. Fresh blooms are appearing, and the lemon tree (bush) in our back yard is producing in excess. It reminds me of something we’ve talked about recently: resurrection moments. This month, we will celebrate Easter – a resurrection moment surely in the ministry of the…

Lent 2017

This month, we enter into the season of Lent. Traditionally, the Lenten season is a time of reflection and introspection as we look toward Easter. Beginning with Ash Wednesday, the season continues for forty days (not including Sundays) through Holy Week and ending just before Easter Sunday.

Back to Basics

Lately I’ve been feeling a bit nostalgic. Maybe it’s the recent Christmas holiday. Maybe it’s the natural introspection I’ve chosen to engage in following treatment for a minor skin cancer. Maybe it’s parenthood. And maybe it’s random. In any case, I’ve been feeling nostalgic.

Easy Faith

As a parent, I have the wonderful opportunity to learn from my children. I confess that I do not always take advantage of this opportunity, and that when I do indeed open my eyes to the many things they have to offer I am often filled with awe.


Will you forgive me if I feel a bit discouraged as we look toward the Christmas season? Will you forgive me if I don’t have quite the energy and excitement that I think maybe I should? This year, I’m not feeling that way. But maybe there’s hope…


If there is anything essential to our faith, it is relationship: our relationship with God and our relationships with one another.


October has become the traditional month at Pacific Beach UMC when we embark on our annual Stewardship campaign. It is a time where we recommit – or perhaps commit for the first time – ourselves to supporting the ministries of PB UMC and of the broader connected Church. We hear sermons intended to inspire thoughtful commitment and generosity, sometimes we hear from members of the congregation, we receive letters from the pastor, and we fill out a card indicating our…