PLOT: First 2nd Sunday Concert of 2017

PLOT: First 2nd Sunday Concert of 2017

by Roving Reporter Marcia M.

The first Second-Sunday Concert of 2017 was another amazing event. Point Loma Opera Theatre (PLOT), was our guest. PLOT is part of Point Loma Nazarene University, and is celebrating eight years of existence. The members have performed twenty operas over those years. We were very lucky to have them share parts of some of the operas with us on February 12. The group is extremely talented, both in singing and acting, and we all had a great time.

PLOT performed seven solos from some of those twenty operas. Performers did more than just sing to us; they acted out the part. Several of us got together after the concert and it was the unanimous opinion that we really got the feeling of what they were singing, even if it was in Italian and we couldn’t understand a word.

They also sang songs from operas written in English, one of which is part of an upcoming PLOT performance in April. They finished the concert with a song in which all seven of the soloists participated. It was an outstanding end to an outstanding concert!

The next Second-Sunday concert will be presented at the 9:00am worship service the third Sunday in March. As Pastor Bob said in his introduction to the PLOT concert, music is part of our DNA at PB UMC. So, I suggest you make every attempt to attend this and future Sunday Concerts. I am very disappointed that I will be out of town and will miss the next one. Hopefully you all will let me know what I missed.
