Christmas Baskets for Families

Christmas Baskets for Families

Once again we have an opportunity to share blessings with those less fortunate. PB UMC will be donating seven Christmas food baskets for low-income families who sign up with Community Christian Service Agency. The goal for CCSA is to distribute baskets containing non-perishable food items and a $35 Target or Walmart gift card to be used for perishable foods, to an estimated 200 families.

What can you do? You can donate groceries or gift cards; see Pam R. or Hope A. for more specific information. You can also donate cash in the Sunday collection plate (note “Christmas Baskets” on the envelope) or donate online. Your generosity last year allowed us to provide extra gift cards, so let’s repeat that success!

We’ll assemble the baskets after the second service on Sunday, December 9th. For more information and a list of recommended groceries, follow this link (will open in a new tab).
