Church News (Page 15)

Church News (Page 15)

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2020 Interfaith National Day of Prayer

PB UMC & St. Mark’s UMC have collaborated with the Islamic Center of San Diego and B’Nai Tikvah Temple to bring an Interfaith National Day of Prayer Service to all people.  These prayers reflect a portion of the diversity of our Nation as we share sacred words, offer light, and share this life with one another.
In The Beginning

In the Beginning

This Sunday, we launch into a new sermon series. Our current reality of social isolation in the midst of a pandemic is not the only example of widescale stress and anxiety on the human species. Psychologists and historians continue to point out that one expression of humanity seems constant across such periods of stress – creativity.


Everything has changed and is changing. In this time of unprecedented uncertainty, where might we find God’s Spirit guiding us to dreaming new dreams and doing new things?

By His Wounds

We’ve all heard it before: suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. I stand by my belief that God doesn’t want us to suffer and that suffering is the way to salvation. At the same time, we can’t deny the fact that destruction is always somewhat a part of the reconstruction process. And death is part and parcel of the process for birth.

Faith & Hope

Setting aside the COVID-19 virus, I suggest we have already been in need of revival. Our world has seemed increasingly partisan. Surely, we have a feeling of being in the wilderness. We are seeking sustenance and refreshment. We are seeking God’s renewing and forgiving Spirit. We are in need of revival!

Revive Us

On Easter Sunday people all over the world celebrated in ways previously unimagined. There was a rise in telecasting while church pews remain empty. Only Jesus could bring forth life, life in abundance, from what some people say is a time of complete devastation.