Church News (Page 15)
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I Am Always With You
The gospel lesson for this upcoming Trinity Sunday is the part where Jesus ascends to heaven after his resurrection on earth. The disciples have lost him once and they are all the more frightened to lose him once again. But as Jesus ascends, he shares these words: “And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
Saying goodbye is hard. Perhaps in grief there is room for hope.
Video Announcements for May 31, 2020
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Pentecost Work: The Inspiration of the Holy Spirit
This Sunday is Pentecost! Not only is it sometimes celebrated as the birthday of the Christian church, but its also a time to remember the early signs of inspiration in receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit!
Video Announcements for May 24, 2020
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Creating Together
This Sunday, we continue our series on creativity. Rev. Jeri asks what our lives of faith would be like if we entered into a creative process to discover new ways in which to express our faith and our love for God in Jesus Christ.
Video Announcements for May 10, 2020
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2020 Interfaith National Day of Prayer
PB UMC & St. Mark’s UMC have collaborated with the Islamic Center of San Diego and B’Nai Tikvah Temple to bring an Interfaith National Day of Prayer Service to all people. These prayers reflect a portion of the diversity of our Nation as we share sacred words, offer light, and share this life with one another.
In the Beginning
This Sunday, we launch into a new sermon series. Our current reality of social isolation in the midst of a pandemic is not the only example of widescale stress and anxiety on the human species. Psychologists and historians continue to point out that one expression of humanity seems constant across such periods of stress – creativity.
Everything has changed and is changing. In this time of unprecedented uncertainty, where might we find God’s Spirit guiding us to dreaming new dreams and doing new things?