Church News (Page 17)

Church News (Page 17)

Church News

Here are our most recent announcements, sermon notes, and newsletters. Click those links for the specific categories, or look for the most recent posts below.

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Table Ethics

As we wrestle in the current COVID-19 pandemic with how to relate with one another, we might consider this alongside our ongoing series on gratitude and the illustration of the table.

Responding to COVID-19

PB UMC cares about our worshipers and our community. For this reason, and out of an abundance of caution, we are taking important steps to minimize risk related to the novel coronavirus.

Meet Judy B.

Our roving reporter offers a brief conversation with our musicians, techies, and members from time to time. This personal perspective helps us build a stronger sense of community!

A Table of Gifts

Last week’s message began with a question about where we find God, and this Sunday’s message draws the illustration of gathering around God’s table. This is a time of sharing in the abundance of God’s gifts!

Connection & Collaboration

Early this year, United Methodists were rocked with the news that a group of 16 leaders from around the denomination had been meeting for months, and were releasing a “protocol” outlining a split in The United Methodist Church (UMC).

Where Is God?

As we enter this Lenten season of spiritual introspection, we begin in earnest our exploration of gratitude. Culturally, we struggle even with the simplicity of thank-you cards. Perhaps we can push back from this and realize that everything we have is a gift from God, which begs this question: where is God?