Church News (Page 18)

Church News (Page 18)

Church News

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Listen To Him

This Sunday is “Transfiguration” Sunday, where we read about Jesus’ journey to a mountaintop where some of the disciples witness an event that leaves them in awe.

God Gives the Growth

In this Sunday’s text, Paul suggests to the church in Corinth that attachments to a particular human leader, to a particular position, or a particular building may be a misdirection of our focus when we should instead grow our attachment to God.

Meet Mavi B.

Our roving reporter offers a brief conversation with our musicians, techies, and members from time to time. This personal perspective helps us build a stronger sense of community!


Early this year, United Methodists were rocked with the news that a group of 16 leaders from around the denomination had been meeting for months, and were releasing a “protocol” outlining a split in The United Methodist Church (UMC).

With a Demonstration

Over these last several weeks, we have explored Paul’s reminder that—even in our differences—God continues to call and empower us all. Paul’s words in this text challenge us to show that we are changed by God’s Spirit. Are we doing it? Are we living the gospel with our whole selves at all times?

Consider Your Call

This week’s text takes a number of twists and turns and seems to conflate wisdom and foolishness. Could it be possible that Paul is suggesting that we are called to foolishness?