Church News (Page 22)

Church News (Page 22)

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DIY Stewardship

Although we are transitioning into November, we are taking this Sunday to conclude our annual Stewardship series. This final Sunday acknowledges that we often take great pride in doing things ourselves, and perhaps we can do so in how we commit to giving our prayers, our presence, our gifts, our service, and our witness in support of these ministries.

Simple Board Governance FAQ

At the Church Conference on November 5, 2019, we will be considering a proposal to change the governing structure of PB UMC to implement a form of Simple Board Governance. This “FAQ” document seeks to give some background on Simple Board Governance and to explain how it works.

Great Power and Great Grace

This Sunday’s text invites us to dream about possibilities and what can happen when we come together fully and completely in Christian community. None of us are alone on this journey of faith. When we come together as the body of Christ, we can do all things through the power of the One who gives us strength.

The Gift of Giving

In this Sunday’s text, Paul focuses on God’s generosity as he invites the church in Corinth to be generous. In part, Paul frames it as a response out of gratitude. “Thank God for his gift that words can’t describe!”