Church News (Page 29)

Church News (Page 29)

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Entering into the season of Lent is a time to explore how we are changed by our experience of God and in our faith communities. In Lenten reflection, we may be made new. Who will you be?

The Astounded Crowd

This Sunday, our Discipleship series concludes with Jesus’ transfiguration on a mountain. It is good to explore this text in the aftermath of #GC2019 so that we may listen more carefully for Jesus’ teaching and live more fully as the body of Christ.

The Questioning Crowd

This Sunday, our Discipleship series continues Jesus’ sermon on a plain with one of the most difficult instructions imaginable: love your enemies.

The Expectant Crowd

This Sunday, we begin a short Lectionary series that explores the ideas of Discipleship and of expanding the church into the community. In this week’s Gospel text, we begin with the Luke version of the Sermon on the Plain.