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Church News (Page 30)

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Pacific Beach UMC has been changing over time. In some ways that change may bring concern, and in others there is reason to celebrate! It is good to do both of these things as we explore together where God will be leading us…

Reading Paul’s Letters

This fifth Sunday in our series on reading the Bible, we continue through the New Testament with the letters attributed to Paul.

The Gospels

This fourth Sunday in our series on reading the Bible, we continue our exploration of the sacred texts that make up the Christian Bible with the core writings that help Christians claim their unique identity of faith: the Gospels.

The Hebrew Bible

This third Sunday in our series on reading the Bible, we explore the continuation of the Hebrew Bible including the Torah, the Prophets, and the Wisdom Literature. In doing so, we seek not only God’s wisdom but also how our oldest stories help us to experience God today.

The Creation Stories

This second Sunday in our series on reading the Bible, we explore the creation stories in Genesis and consider important questions about how we understand these early narratives about the beginnings of the world.