Church News (Page 53)

Church News (Page 53)

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Dear friends… As I write this, it’s actually well before this issue of the Beach Breeze is to be released in early May. I’m about to head with Beth on a trip to Palm Springs after a full Easter Sunday. And I’m filled with excitement. There are a number of reasons that I feel excited. One is simply that I’m going on vacation for a few days with Beth – and while the boys stay home under the capable care…

Video Announcements for April 30, 2017

Don’t forget after the 2nd service to join the Lunch Bunch at Pieology, 1656 Garnet, from 1pm on. This is a Youth Fundraiser so please grab a fundraising flyer from church before you head over to eat! A membership orientation lunch will be held on May 7, following the 10:30 service. This is a free lunch, but for planning purposes, please RSVP with Dart “Women of the Bible” will be presented by Rev. Julie Elkin on May 7. Join us…

Everything Happens for a Reason?

Beginning the sermon series Half Truths, we explore the phrase, “everything happens for a reason” and consider it’s deeper meanings and whether or not saying such a thing can do more harm than good.

Video Announcements for April 23, 2017

Adam M donated today’s altar flowers celebrating his 1st year of Seminary. Please join us for a Membership Orientation lunch on May 7th to learn more about membership here at PBUMC Our Storefront Ministry to homeless teens takes place this Wednesday, April 25th. Contact David McC or the church office if you would like to help.

Video Announcements for April 16, 2017

Happy Easter! The altar flowers today are given by Lisa P in loving memory of Beryl P, beloved sister who passed away April 18, 2016. Our Sanctuary has been decorated with Easter Lilies donated by members of the congregation listed in the dedications flyer in your bulletin. Bright Sunday is next Sunday! Wear your brightest clothing and meet up in the courtyard between 10-10:30am for a church photo. The ladies at PB UMC will meet for an evening out next…

Authentic Resurrection

Dear friends… As we move into the month of April (and as my dad would say), Spring has sprung! The famous San Diego weather has returned and the sun warms us free of clouds of rain. Fresh blooms are appearing, and the lemon tree (bush) in our back yard is producing in excess. It reminds me of something we’ve talked about recently: resurrection moments. This month, we will celebrate Easter – a resurrection moment surely in the ministry of the…

Giving Up Death

This Sunday is Easter Sunday!! We conclude our Lenten series with the reminder that Jesus’ death and resurrection mean we are no longer subject to sin and death.

Our Next Sermon Series: Half-Truths

On Sunday, April 30th, Pacific Beach UMC embarks on a five-week sermon series based on the book Half Truths by United Methodist Pastor Adam Hamilton. The series (and the book) remind us of some of the common phrases we say to one another that bear deeper examination.