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Soul Pangs

Just like our bodies experience hunger pangs, our hearts and spirits can also experience “soul pangs.”  It seems as if we’re born into this world with certain hungers for love, belonging, connection, joy, play, peace and so much more.  We often experience these “hungers” in isolation, not acknowledging them to others and, very frequently, not even acknowledging them to ourselves.  Many of us, myself included, try to fill these soul pangs with food or drink or activity that doesn’t come close to truly meeting our needs.  It is part of our human condition to experience hunger…not only hunger in our bodies but hunger in our spirits as well.  

The Power of a Story

This Sunday we are blessed to have Adam Marshall-Lopez with us to preach and lead in worship.  This week’s text from 2 Samuel is a portion of a larger narrative and describes the encounter between David and the prophet, Nathan.  This section of scripture reminds me of how life is a constant learning process and an on-going journey.  We are always on a path of discovering who we are and how we are in relationship with God, others and ourselves.  We have good moments and not so good moments and hopefully we can learn from them all.  

Beach Breeze – August 2021

To view the August 2021 edition of the Beach Breeze on a mobile device or to save and/or print, click this button: Download Or copy and paste this link into your web browser:    

I’ve Been Meaning to Ask…Where Do We Go From Here?

This Sunday we’ll wrap up our July sermon series with our fourth and final question, “Where Do We Go from Here?”  How many times in our lives have we asked ourselves this very question?  Probably a countless number!  Sometimes we’ve asked this question quite literally, especially in the days before GPS! But many a time we’ve asked ourselves this question in a much more figurative way.  Where am I going from here?  What is ahead for me?  For us?  For our families, our friends, our faith community?  The future is not crystal clear and we are not able to predict what is ahead.  But still, we ask the question, seeking direction, guidance, wisdom and light for our path.  

I’ve Been Meaning to Ask… What Do You Need?

It’s often hard to know how to ask another person about their pain.  It’s equally hard to take the risk of being vulnerable and talking about our own.  So why do it at all?  This Sunday we’ll explore the value of making space for one another’s pain on both a personal level and in the public domain.  We’ll also dig into our scripture passage from Mark with its reminders that the Divine not only doesn’t shy away from human suffering but always seems to be right in the thick of it.  

I’ve Been Meaning to Ask… Where Does It Hurt?

It’s often hard to know how to ask another person about their pain.  It’s equally hard to take the risk of being vulnerable and talking about our own.  So why do it at all?  This Sunday we’ll explore the value of making space for one another’s pain on both a personal level and in the public domain.  We’ll also dig into our scripture passage from Mark with its reminders that the Divine not only doesn’t shy away from human suffering but always seems to be right in the thick of it.  

I’ve Been Meaning to Ask… Where Are You From?

Where are you from? This is the first week of our four week sermon series “I’ve Been Meaning to Ask.” This is an opportunity to turn back toward one another, child of God to child of God, leaning in with courageous and heartfelt questions.

Beach Breeze – July 2021

To view the July 2021 edition of the Beach Breeze on a mobile device or to save and/or print, click this button: Download Or copy and paste this link into your web browser:    

A Time to Build

What does God want from God’s people when it comes to buildings?  What does God NOT want?  What needs to be broken down first in order to build up?  How do we know, in God’s realm, when it’s time to build?  Who is the builder?  What is being built?  I hope you’ll ponder those thoughts and we’ll delve into this and more on Sunday!

Walking in the Truth

I think the notion of walking in the truth…the truth of who we are and whose we are…is probably a fairly appealing notion to most of us.  Our spirits, I believe, inherently yearn for this type of authenticity.  But day to day reality has taught many of us that this is probably easier said than done.  There are all kinds of things and forces and entities that tempt us to step outside of our truth, sometimes unnecessarily puffing ourselves up…sometimes tamping down the essence of who we are.