Sermons (Page 13)

Sermons (Page 13)


Sermons are listed below with the most recent sermons first. See the Sermons menu at the top of the page to browse by date, books of the Bible, speaker, and more. Check back often for updates.

Lost and Found

Bailey Brawner leads us through a reflection on the Parable of the Prodigal Son as we work to be open to God’s perspective and really allow ourselves to be known by God.


Adam will be leads us through a reflection on the Parable of the Fig Tree as we contemplate God’s care and nurture in this holy season.

Gathered In

Our scripture passage for this second Sunday in Lent has us contemplating the nature of God.  Jesus describes himself in a somewhat surprising way…like a mother hen who wants to gather in all of her baby chicks.

The Power of Empty

Today we introduce our Lenten theme, “Full to the Brim.”  We will contemplate what we need to “do” or “undo” in order to lean into the abundant life God offers.


This Sunday will mark the end of the season of Epiphany, a season when the identity and mission of Jesus are revealed in small and large ways.  Our text for this week is Luke’s account of the Transfiguration, arguably the grandest of all the epiphany accounts.

The Economy of Grace

We continue this week in Jesus’ sermon on the plain.  Last week we contemplated what Jesus’ “blessings and woes” told us about God.  This week we dive into what that might look like, in practical terms, for each one of us.

A Level Place

Come with us as we challenge our mainstream understanding of the word “blessed” and expand our thinking, seeing and understanding beyond “me” to embrace a divine sense of “we.”


After a demoralizing night of attempted fishing, Jesus instructs Simon to go back out into the deep waters and drop his nets for a catch. Miraculously, Simon pulls in such an abundance of fish that other boats and fisherfolks come to his aid.


Today, Jesse Hodge, will be reflecting on the calling of the young prophet, Jeremiah, encouraging all of us to consider our own calling in this precious life.


Today we look at the beginning of Jesus’ ministry from Luke’s perspective. In Luke, Jesus’ ministry starts in the middle of a worship service. Jesus stands in the synagogue, reading scripture in his faith community. But the ordinary turns extraordinary when Jesus makes an astonishing claim!