Sermons (Page 14)

Sermons (Page 14)


Sermons are listed below with the most recent sermons first. See the Sermons menu at the top of the page to browse by date, books of the Bible, speaker, and more. Check back often for updates.


Today we spend time in the Gospel of John with the first of seven “signs” that Jesus performs or offers, each one giving us a glimpse into his true identity and mission. This first sign is the account of Jesus turning water into wine at the wedding in Cana.

New Year, New Love

This is the perfect season to be intentional about new beginnings!  Imagine what LOVE looks like in this new year.

My Father’s House

The Bible says very little about the childhood of Jesus but today we spend time with the one and only passage that provides a window into Jesus’ boyhood.

Light in the Darkness

Our Bishop, Grant Hagiya, preaches today on “Light in the Darkness,” sharing his thoughts, hopes and encouragement with all of us as we enter into 2022! 

Safe Havens

On this fourth Sunday of Advent, we take a step closer to the manger, spending time with Mary, the mother of Jesus.  Our text returns us to the home of Elizabeth and Zechariah where Mary finds refuge in the early days of her pregnancy.  What did it mean for her to find safe space in the midst of that uncertain time?  How did that safe haven impact her capacity to be “Theotokos,” or “God-Bearer”—the one who provided the first home and safe space for God incarnate?

A Home for All

Last week we spent time with Zechariah’s beautiful blessing for his newborn son, John, and this week we meet John, fully grown and in the wilderness, as he calls others to repentance in order to prepare the way for the coming of the Lord.  What does that mean and how does it get expressed in the real lives of listeners of that day and listeners today? Join us this Sunday as we continue our journey in and through Advent and as we light the third Advent candle, the candle of JOY!

The Power of Blessing

Because God is a God of relationships and stories, the birth of Christ is not a solitary, disconnected event.  The birth of Christ is woven into the fabric of relationships and the stories of others.  This week we begin to explore the connection between Jesus and John the Baptist with a specific focus on John’s father, Zechariah.

Where Hope Floats

This Sunday is the beginning of a brand new Christian year! It is the First Sunday of Advent and we begin the preparations of our hearts and spirits for the coming of Christ at Christmas. We’ll light the first Advent candle, the candle of Hope, as we begin our journey toward Bethlehem.

Go Back to the Well

Most would be confused or upset at the thought that “sorrow is better than laughter” like it states in Ecclesiastes 7:3. When we pretend that everything is okay, we are not handling our deep hurts and griefs—the only way to do that is to feel them and to open ourselves to healing. Putting on a happy face is not always right for our soul.