Sermons (Page 22)

Sermons (Page 22)


Sermons are listed below with the most recent sermons first. See the Sermons menu at the top of the page to browse by date, books of the Bible, speaker, and more. Check back often for updates.

Cal-Pac Service – Together in Worship

We will have a special service today from the Cal-Pac Conference! This service was provided to local congregations as a gift, and is a collection of a variety of musicians, worship leaders and preachers giving witness from a diverse context of settings, all giving glory to God as we celebrate Christ’s birth.


It’s the fourth and final Sunday in Advent. Today, we light the candle of Love and prepare for Love Incarnate to enter into our lives once again.


Our scripture passages during Advent remind us of important and meaningful preparations during this season…the preparation of our hearts and spirits, our individual lives and our world to receive God once again, incarnate – in the flesh – in the person of Jesus.

The Advent Journey

Advent is about anticipation. Our gospel reading from Mark encourages us to “keep awake,” to pay attention because God is about to do a remarkable thing.

Royal Living

It’s Christ the King Sunday, but this king and this kingdom are marked by values that are altogether different.


Our scripture reading today is from the Parable of the Talents. What is it we’ve been given and what is the end result if all we do is keep it safe?

Being Prepared

We’re always waiting on something. What does it mean to be prepared? How might Jesus’ words from this quirky and unsettling parable give us guidance, inspiration…perhaps light?

Blessed in the Not Yet

Today is a special day in the life of the Church as we will be celebrating All Saints Sunday! The United Methodist Church understands “saints” in the New Testament sense of the word which includes Christians of all places and times. We remember and honor the saints of our lives, specifically those who have died in this last year. We share the names of beloved church members, family members and friends whom we have lost. We give thanks for all they have shared with us and among us, remembering them with the refrain, “Absent from our midst…present with the Lord.”