Sermons (Page 34)

Sermons (Page 34)


Sermons are listed below with the most recent sermons first. See the Sermons menu at the top of the page to browse by date, books of the Bible, speaker, and more. Check back often for updates.

Transforming Grace

This Sunday we welcome Pastor Lea Booth from La Jolla UMC to continue our sermon series following the story of Les Misérables. This Sunday’s scriputure is the story of Zacchaeus, a tax collector who climbed a tree so he could get a glimpse of Jesus and found himself transformed by the interaction.

Missing Jesus

This Sunday we begin our newest sermon series based on the French novel and world-famous musical, Les Misérables!

The Emptiness of Fear

On this Easter Sunday, we remember that when three women approached Jesus’ tomb, they were initially “overcome with terror and dread,” yet went on to share the news. We explore how in the hope of the empty tomb, fear no longer has power over us.


This fifth Sunday in Lent concludes our sermon series on Rehab. To finish out the series, we will explore the promise we are given that the wilderness is not without end, that angels guide us and comfort us, and that hope is possible.


This fourth Sunday in Lent, we explore the concept of recovery. This work prepares us to hear even more clearly the good news that our faults and weaknesses do not define us, and that healing and wholeness are possible.


This Sunday, we continue in the Lenten season. Through our series lens of Rehab, we explore the means by which we might navigate the wilderness.


This Sunday, we continue in the Lenten season. Through our series lens of Rehab, we acknowledge that our journey is not easy and that we must not rely solely on ourselves.


This Sunday, we enter into the Lenten season. During this time of introspection and through the lens of Rehab, we begin by exploring Wilderness. Jesus was sent into the wilderness, and sometimes we find ourselves there too.


This Sunday is Transfiguration Sunday when we celebrate Jesus and his closest disciples ascension up a mountain. Jesus is made to shine as the disciples look on with wonder.