Sermons (Page 35)

Sermons (Page 35)


Sermons are listed below with the most recent sermons first. See the Sermons menu at the top of the page to browse by date, books of the Bible, speaker, and more. Check back often for updates.

Rise Up

This Sunday we take a break from series and explore Jesus’ early ministry in the Gospel of Mark. As Jesus calls disciples, teaches, and heals, he consistently calls the people to rise up beyond their circumstances and limitations.

In the Beginning Was the Word

This Sunday we conclude our series on The Power of Words looking at this reminder: In the beginning was the Word. So what does that mean? Scriptures: Exodus 20:7; Psalm 19:14; John 1:1, 14a Click here for additional resources on this sermon. Copyright info

Religion & Politics

This Sunday we near the end of our series on The Power of Words as we jump into the potentially challenging subjects of religion and politics. It is my hope that we will take time to listen and to understand, and surely to rely on the God who unites us in love.

Family Words: Hurtful or Life-Giving?

This Sunday we continue our series on The Power of Words. This week, we focus on the words used within our family systems. Our families are often the places where we first begin to learn how to live and how to interact with others. Are we taught in loving and life-giving ways? Or are we taught through shame, mistreatment, and controlling behaviors? Scriptures: Colossians 3:8-9, 12-13, 15b; James 1:19 Click here for additional resources on this sermon. Copyright info

Tearing Down or Building Up?

This Sunday we begin a new series on The Power of Words. We begin with an exploration of the choice we make each time we speak. Will we tear down? Will we build up?

Joy Is Our True Home

This Sunday we continue with explorations of “home” with Paul’s instruction to “rejoice always.” Consider the possibility that joy could be a state of mind made possible through our deep connection with God through Jesus Christ.

Christmas at Home

Our talented members present the Christmas story through the lens of family conversation and music!