Sermons (Page 37)

Sermons (Page 37)


Sermons are listed below with the most recent sermons first. See the Sermons menu at the top of the page to browse by date, books of the Bible, speaker, and more. Check back often for updates.


This Sunday we conclude the exploration of Moses and the Exodus, considering the story of the people’s desire for food as they enter into the wilderness.

Wind, Sky, and Sea

This Sunday we continue a journey through the story of Moses and the Exodus, particularly exploring the story of Moses guiding the Israelites through the Red Sea.


This Sunday we continue a journey through the story of Moses and the Exodus, particularly exploring the story of the Passover and the final plague of Egypt.


This Sunday we begin a journey through the story of Moses and the Exodus, particularly exploring the presence of fire and how Moses responds.

Step Toward… Your Siblings in Abraham

We continue a new short Lectionary series called #ThreeSteps in a Christian’s Walk,. This Sunday we explore Paul’s reminder of God’s covenant with all of Abraham’s descendants.


This Sunday we conclude our sermon series as we explore justice, compassion, grace, disgrace, and our own place and promise in God’s creation. We will also celebrate Holy Communion, and this week do so using a more formal – and musical! – liturgy.


This week Pastor Christopher continues the conversation on “suffering with Christ” with an acknowledgment of the difficulties of doing so…


This Sunday we continue our series that parallels Paul’s letter to the church of Rome alongside Margaret Atwood’s novel “The Handmaid’s Tale,” examining the responsibilities that come with freedom.